Make Your Kitchen Trendy but Cozy with These Kitchen Trends

There’s a multitude of projects we can do around our houses to make it feel a little more like…, well, home. We could tear up the carpeting and install glorious hardwood flooring in that perfect shade of deep mahogany. We could reconfigure the layout of the first floor so that it flows better. But, of all the things that we could do, top-rated real estate agents still stand by the notion that an updated kitchen is the best place to start. 

As we head into 2022 and you’re trying to get yourself organized as best as possible so you can prepare to buy and sell property at the same time, here’s a look at what kitchen trends are going to be popular in 2022.

1. Bold kitchen cabinets

In every home improvement magazine or television show, whenever a kitchen was featured, there were white elements everywhere. White countertops, cabinetry, accessories, shelving… You name it, it was white! Today’s realtors say white is on its way out – particularly for kitchen cabinets. 

Nope, put away the white paint and whip out jewel tones. Bold colors like navy, matte black, olive green, and burnt orange are great statement colors, to be sure. However, if you’re going to be selling your home soon, realtors will advise would-be sellers to stick with a neutral palette. 

2. Natural wood

Not all homeowners are going to want bold cabinets and that’s totally cool! Natural wood cabinets in light tones (white oak, hickory, or light maple, for example) are perfect options, too. 

3. Use table lights for ambiance

Kitchen lighting is usually pretty bright, and rightly so. You don’t want to cut yourself because there wasn’t adequate light! But, the kitchen is a place where people get together and chat, too. Realtors are seeing more homeowners use table lights in their kitchen to give the space a cozy ambiance. 

4. Opt for quartz countertops

Along with white counters, homeowners would covet granite and marble countertops. These are still in demand, but in an effort to be more eco-friendly, homeowners are choosing quartz countertops, too. Quartz is a sustainable material because it is an engineered alternative. You can get quartz countertops in a wide variety of colors and designs, so you can get exactly what you want. 

On top of it being sustainable, quartz is a preferred option because it’s nonporous. That means if something spills on it, it isn’t going to stain like it would on marble or granite. 

5. Unique kitchen islands

Islands in the kitchen are a commonplace, but homeowners aren’t going to be satisfied with the average island. Today’s homeowners are thinking big and that means they’re building islands that make a statement. They’re using different materials to accent the island, they’re building two-tiered islands or even waterfall islands!

6. Increase storage space

Doesn’t it feel like we have more small appliances, tupperware, odds, and ends taking up all of the storage space? We aren’t even including the food! Homeowners and buyers are keen on storage and they’ll go the extra mile to build additional storage spaces in the kitchen, like a walk-in butler’s pantry. 

Trendy kitchens can be cozy, too!

When we think of the coziest place in the house, we may not always think of the kitchen, as it’s a space where we’re always busy cooking and cleaning up the mess. However, even a trendy kitchen can be cozy. Ambient lighting, the color palette, and other accessories can turn a stark utility space into one that is a joy to spend time in! 

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