If you’re looking to upgrade your home, specifically your kitchen countertops, finding the perfect time can be a bit challenging. You want to make sure that your countertops are done right the first time and up to your standards. You also want to be sure you’re getting the best pricing available. Since price typically fluctuates throughout the year, it’s important to research the best time to upgrade for the highest savings. Today, we’re going over just that!
We’ll discuss the best times to not only upgrade your home but also the best time to upgrade your countertops.
After over 70 years in the home remodeling industry, we’ve found that the following months are great timeframes for upgrading your countertops!
February – March
April – May
June – July
August – September
Keep reading to learn more and remember to connect with us directly if you have any questions!
When you search for “What’s the best time for upgrading countertops?” you’ll come across many different opinions. Since every homeowner is different, there’s no “one size fits all” timeframe that works for everyone. That’s why we’ve broken down four different timeframes and why they may work for you!But, before we get into when the best time is to upgrade your countertops, let’s go over why you may need to upgrade your countertops!
Why Upgrade Just Your Countertops?
Updated countertops give your home that extra boost or “new look” that you’ve been craving. Not only will a countertop upgrade add a sense of luxury to your home, but it will also increase your home’s value. New countertops are a great way to upgrade your space without having to shell out a lot of money. We know that home renovations can be expensive, but with the right information, it can be relatively affordable. Think about it, if you’re doing a full kitchen remodel that can take months. From installations, waiting for potential parts, potential backorders of materials, labor, and everything else, a full kitchen remodel can be a lot. The good news is that updating your countertops takes around three to four weeks from the beginning to the end! This includes purchasing, measuring, and installation, which makes for a much quicker turnaround time. So not bad! On the other hand, a full kitchen remodel typically takes quite a bit longer. In fact, HGTV explains in their article “How Long Does It Typically Take to Remodel a Kitchen?” that it can take anywhere from three to five months. Which makes a quick countertop upgrade seem like virtually no time at all! When it comes to upgrading your countertops, it’s best to find a company that offers removal as well as installation. Here at Michigan Kitchen Distributors, we do offer removal of your existing countertops. Many times, homeowners choose to remove their own countertops, which can be difficult. Removing your own countertops can also make for a bit of an annoyance since you’re unable to use any counter space. But, our experts can do it and even haul your old countertops away just for a small fee. We recommend that homeowners have a professional team remove their countertops just to be safe. After all, these materials can be extremely heavy. You could not only can you hurt yourself, but you could also potentially damage your cabinets, appliances, and other areas of your home. Speak with us directly to learn more about this and how we can help! Now, let’s get into when the best time is for you to upgrade your kitchen countertops! Also, for our full guide to the total cost of a kitchen remodel, including installation costs, check out “How Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Kitchen?”What’s The Best Time For Upgrading Countertops?
February – March
If you’re looking to upgrade your countertops after the holiday season, or are potentially treating yourself to this as a holiday gift, February and March are a great time to do so.
Usually, during this time, the busier season for both kitchen remodeling companies and yourself is over. You’ve gotten through the holidays and have settled into your new routine by now. Which means you should have a better understanding of your schedule.
With the busy holiday season over, products tend to go down in pricing and be more readily available. Depending on when you decide to embark on your new upgrade, products and materials may either be out of stock, back-ordered or currently shipping. This tends to happen in late fall and early winter, due to many people wanting to complete remodels before the holidays. Eliminate any of these issues by getting your countertops done in the earlier months of the year.
April – May
The springtime is another great time to utilize your tax return money to upgrade your countertops.
An April upgrade will have given you enough time to get your taxes done and get your return back. Investing that money in your home can result in a great return on investment. Not only do new countertops increase your home’s value, but they also give your home a whole new look. Which many people crave with spring cleaning.
Also, upgrading your countertops in May gives you plenty of time before back to school season, which can be hectic for many families. We recommend upgrading in May because you’ll likely even finish your remodel before July, giving you ample time to enjoy your new kitchen during the summer!
June – July
Summer tends to be a very popular time where people decide to upgrade and replace their kitchen countertops. During the summer, kids are out of school, and life usually slows down just a bit. Which makes it no surprise that many families decide to upgrade during this time.
It’s a great option because you can easily grill outdoors and stay out of your kitchen for a few days! Which isn’t typically possible during the colder winter months. Here in Michigan, the summers are gorgeous. Plus, enjoying a little bit of time outdoors is a wonderful way to spend time with your family and relax. Plus, by the time school starts your kitchen and countertop installation should be complete. So you can start enjoying your new space come the new season!
August – September
People may decide to replace their countertops because they want their home to look fresh for the holiday season.
Perhaps you’re going to host Thanksgiving or Christmas and you want your home to be looking its best. Since this is such a popular reason for remodeling, the earlier you get this done the better. While September may seem early, we recommend that you start this process right away. Many times, there is an increase in demand which can lead to longer lead times, so the earlier the better. No one has ever complained about their kitchen upgrade being early, but if it’s late, that’s usually a different story.
With a September remodel, you’ll have several months to complete your countertop upgrade. Plus, finish many other updates you prefer before any holiday festivities begin! Don’t worry though if you have to start later than September. With the right company, your remodel will be complete timely, and efficiently! Connect with us directly if you’re needing to get your kitchen countertops upgraded for the holiday season.